Enchanted Hoodoo Dollie Warrior Woman by leighswiccanboutique
This is Warrior Woman my First Hoodoo Dollie Necklace I had created. Warrior woman was created with the intention to cut through obstacles, clearing a path for one to walk without constant bullshit being in the way. Removing the disruptive balance that the bullshit left behind. Cutting Negativity with her sword with the aid of the Mother and Freya along with the Guardians when called upon to aid her in battle. She has snowflake obsidian and some kind of awesome wood beads that felt powerful which maybe exotic wood too. Along with a coyote tooth sword and blue lace agate upon the crown chakra. Warrior woman also swings very well and steady for pendulum work as well.
Warrior Woman has been enchanted to do her work only for the Bearer of this necklace whom ever that shall be. Only her owner can give her direction of what they need in their life for her to work on in order to help them with removal of obstacles and to help cut the bullshit from their lives. The Bond will be instant and you and the Dollie will be linked and the link cannot be broken until either you say or spirits eyes the work is complete. This is not a typical necklace. I do expect an experienced hoodoo practitioner to work with this piece. If you are not familiar with Hoodoo work, then I do not suggest this for you. She will need offerings, and something tied to her linking her to her personal task you set for her with meditation whether that be hair or something else.
Not responsible for any misuse, damages or injury that may occur due to use or misuse of any of my products. Products are sold as Curio.
As with any spell, it is your Intention, Energy, Belief, and Focus that sparkles the final outcome of your magic.
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Blessed Be
Mandi Leigh

Handcrafted Items made with Love and Light and Vintage Collectibles. This shop occasionally donates a portion of sales to charities, and people in need. DONATIONS MADE: TFI Family Services Christmas Arranged by my mom and I. We were able to collect over $3,000 in gifts to donate to children in state custody in 2012! Miracle Boy 4 A Cure, Cure for Candi, Help Assist Emma with CP, and YWCA Battered Woman. Proud Member of the Etsy Pagan Team, Witches of Etsy, and Kansas Etsy team.
Mandi Leigh's Handcrafted Items, and Leigh's Wiccan Boutique
Hi I'm Mandi Leigh You can find just about anything you are looking for at my Etsy Shop. It is a place with a little of Everything! Handmade Magickal Creations, Vintage, Metaphysical, Ritual, and Spiritual you will you find here at Leigh's Boutique. Cant find what your looking for? No problem! Just send me a message and tell me what it is that you seek. I will let you know if I can make it or not. I am here to work for you, and provide you the items you so desire.
You will find a variety of Handcrafted items at my Etsy shop like One of a Kind Gemstone Jewelry using Precious, and Semi Precious Stones, with their Metaphysical, and Magical properties, Natural Bath & Body products, Hair Accessories, Wall Hangings, Dream Catchers, Wands, Wind Chimes, Pagan Ritual Tools, Statuary, and More.
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